Central Berkshire Blvd in Pittsfield
Click on a property below to view additional details.
Single Family Residential - 101 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Warehouses For Storage Of Manufactured Products - 15 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Libraries, Museums (Charitable Org.) - 15 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Electric Generation Plants, Agreement Value - 22 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Other Mining/quarry - 25 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Multiple Houses On One Parcel - 29 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Single Family Residential - 3 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Single Family Residential - 5 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Single Family Residential - 7 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Two-Family Residential - 70 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Single Family Residential - 77 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Mass. Highway Dept. (Mhd) (Non-Reimbursable) - 86 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Single Family Residential - 90 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Single Family Residential - 94 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Mixed Use (Primarily Residential, Some Agriculture) - 98 CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Single Family Residential - CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Libraries, Museums (Charitable Org.) - CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Field Crops - Hay, Wheat, Tillable Forage, Cropland, Etc... (Ch. 61a, Not Classified As Open Space) - CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Vacant, Selectmen Or City Council, Other City Or Town (Municipal) - CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Undevelopable Commercial Land - CENTRAL BERKSHIRE BLVD
Undevelopable Commercial Land